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Articles, Blogs and Public Relations
"Start Spreading The News", Symphony Magazine April, 2019
Susan Elliott and the League of American Orchestras explore how several orchestras are dealing with teh changing landscape in public relations and print advertising, including The Phoenix Symphony's industry leading shift to 100% Digital for single ticket advertising.
"Picking up the tempo for classical programming," Capacity Interactive Blog, April 2019
Capacity Interactive analyst, Jamie Perutz takes a deep dive into The Phoenix Symphony's second full year for 100% Digital and explores our broad based, low budget campaigns to grow classical audiences to record levels.
"Success Story: The RMA at Phoenix Symphony," April 2019
The team at JCA highlight The Phoenix Symphony's use of dynamic and variable pricing to drive over $1,500,000 in ancillary revenue in just three years.
Quotes and Feedback
"Your session was worth the three hours of Los Angeles traffic"
~ 2018 Arts Reach Los Angeles Attendee
"The best session - made the whole conference worth it"
~ 2018 League of American Orchestra Conference Attendee